Friday, October 28, 2011


I'm linking up to share my week with some crappy looking phone pics for my first ever Insta-Friday.  Because I just got an iPhone again and I can!

Words cannot express my love for these waffles.  The end.

Halloween party at play group so, obviously.

Sneaky peak at the man's costume.  There must be much sugar being consumed for that hood to be and a smile on his face!

Doug says this is a frog.  I say its a monster to match Milo.  I think I might sew a horn on it tonight then there will be no debate. (Because they HAVE to coordinate!)

Yeah last weekend Doug mulched all the leaves and we had all kinds of grass showing.  Now? Notsomuch.

I'm linking up with Jeannett at Life Rearranged.
life rearranged

1 comment:

 The Morris Family said...

Cute costumes for everyone!!!

Our leaves are just beginning to fall to the ground!! Then time to rake em up!! ugh!!!

Happy Friday