A couple weeks ago we headed to Upstate NY for 10 days for the usual family time and driving all over the state. Sadly, I don't have more pictures because our little point shoot is lost. Most likely left on an airplane or something somewhere between NY and WA. Because that is standard procedure with us. There is a reason we don't spend much money on little cameras anymore.
Milo got his own seat on the plane for the first time, which was THE BEST DECISION WE'VE EVER MADE. Seriously. He was able to fall asleep in his carseat and when he was awake we had a little tray we clipped around him so he could color and, of course, play on the iPad. Getting an iPad easily qualifies as the second best decision we've ever made!

We spent the first part of our trip in Buffalo were we had a family reunion one day and then Milo got spend lots time playing with his cousins (2nd cousins?), Grandma and Grandpa S, and his great grandparents.
Playing golf with cousin John

He wasn't too keen on eating much the first couple of days until we took him to a Chinese buffet where we had to wait for him to finish he ate so much.
Pinkies up when eating egg rolls. We're sophisticated, you know.

After that it was off to Rochester with a stop in Syracuse for Milo to see the rest of his grandparents and great grandparents.
At the Japanese restaurant for my birthday. Probably the only real meal Milo ate in Rochester. Apparently if he's too overwhelmed or tired to eat go with Asian food. Who knew?

Taking Cookie and Elmo for a cab ride at the Strong Children's museum. Also entitled "ticking off the other kids because he wouldn't get out of the car."

Elmo's World!

Milo loved this TV - so big and right at his level. He may or may not need Nemo Addicts Anonymous.

Chilling in Downtown Rochester.