The trailer was dropped off last week. We hired some movers to come and help load up the heavy stuff on Saturday. They had a minimum time of 2 hours so in that time they loaded the bed, dressers, couch, etc and as much boxes and they could. They also got it all secured in the truck. While this was going on I sat in the bathroom with Bella, which was gated off for her, so she would stop barking at everyone. Fun times.
Now for this service you pay by how much square footage you use.... which means packing this thing to the ceiling. So, Sunday me and Doug finished the last couple boxes and then went to work securing everything. I honestly wish I would have taken a picture when we were done. i mean the way we had stuff balancing with only bungee cords holding it into place was priceless!
Now we are sleeping on an air mattress in the living room and the only other thing in the house is some clothes and a mini TV. Actually we have been seen Saturday and will continue this charade until Thursday. Its like camping only ghetto. And we have no food... so its more like Survivor Emeryville over here.
I know I've said it before, but I mean it this time: we are not moving again unless we buy a house. Period.